Art of Living Counselling and Coaching founder is Jacqui Brooks.
She qualified as a Counsellor in 2003 and is a registered member of the United Kingdom Association of Transactional Analysis. She is also a TA Psychotherapist (in Training), which means she has completed a 4 year TA Psychotherapy course and is now working towards the Certified Transactional Analyst exam.
She is a CoachU qualified Coach and has a Teaching Certificate.
Jacqui recently graduated from the MMTCP Mindfulness and Compassion Teacher Training program taught by Tara Brach and Jack Kornfield.
She has 18 years of experience delivering coaching, counselling and groups/workshops and has facilitated women retreats in the UK, Spain and the USA.
What Jacqui says about herself...
"My purpose in life is to work with people who want to take responsibility for their happiness. This doesn't mean that life will be a permanent bed of roses or that negative things won't happen, it means that by exploring and understanding yourself you learn to deal with things differently and to do that you learn to be who you truly are. My counselling and coaching style and my retreats are based on this philosophy gained from personal experience, both academic and experiential in the form of great challenges and triumphs.
Since developing a consistent meditation practice and graduating as a Mindfulness Teacher I have gained a deeper understanding of how we can release ourselves from our 'story' or 'narrative' and face life's challenges equanimously. I am passionate about sharing this freedom with others.
I've not always believed the way I now do now, in fact my previous 16 year career as a U.K. Police Officer was a far cry from who I am today. And it is my experience through the transition that leads me to know that we are responsible for our own happiness. Because no matter what happens in our lives it is our response to it that ultimately decides on our happiness. As Epicticus stated back in 500BC: 'It is not things that cause us problems but our thinking about things'."
Following a 16 year career and since leaving the U.K. police service in 2000, She returned to university and retrained as a Counsellor, a Coach, and a Teacher. Since then She has worked with people within the National Health Service, Private Sector - Fostering and Adoption, Cancer and within private practice and She has taught in both Further and Higher Education Institutions.
She coach individuals and groups and more recently She has facilitated global Conscious Eating telephone conference courses and led women's retreats in the U.K., Spain and the U.S.A. She has recently completed clinical supervision training and provides supervision across professions, not just psychotherapy and counselling.
Fees vary £45 - £70
Payment by cash, cheque, BACS or credit card via PayPal is all accepted.
Some concessions are available, please ask for details.
Monday - Wednesdays, 08.30 to 19.00
©2021 Jacqui Brooks Counselling & Coaching
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